
Introducing SORAA Lamps


A revolution in LED retrofit lamps

Last year we became aware of a new LED technology from a company called Soraa, based in California, who had designed a “retrofit” lamp called VIVID with the great light quality, efficiency and dimming range that we look for. We have been watching these products for a while and testing thoroughly with various combinations of transformers and dimming controls.

With the introduction of the 2nd Generation VIVID 2 family of lamps, improving on both efficiency and output, and the commitment from Soraa to fully supply the UK, we have decided to become an OEM partner of Soraa and to specify these lamps alongside our range of products.

There are two major benefits of this lamp over halogen.

EfficiencyThe Soraa lamp that we specify will actually provide more light output than a 50W halogen, whilst using only a fifth of the energy. The implications are that you would reduce the electrical usage of your downlights by 80%. Research suggest that lighting accounts for approximately a quarter of the total electricity bill (high consumption households without electric heating*), and our research suggests that downlights constitute about 80% of the light output in our lighting designs.

Simply put, thats a saving of £26 per lamp per year.

LongevitySoraa lamps come with a 3 year 25,000hr warranty. This means they will provide full output for 6 years (@ 12hrs operation per day). Our quality specified halogen lamps are quoted at 4000hrs or 1 year (@ 12hrs per day). Also, unlike halogen lamps, when they pass their life expectancy, LEDs will slowly degrade in output rather than instantly fail, and so can be expected to continue in their use beyond the quoted 25,000hrs.

Simply put, that would save you having to change ~800 quality lamps over the same lifespan of 100 Soraa lamps (in an average home).

So, in changing from halogen to Soraa lamps, a property could be reducing their total electricity consumption by around 15% across a year (80% of 25%). This does not take into account the increased output and the ability to dim down, so this figure could even be higher. With this efficiency factor taken into account, pay-back would be expected in 12 months (or 18 months with added installation costs).

Although there are other “retrofit” products on the market, none have achieved the quality that we expect for our designs and product range. In our opinion they do not match Soraa lamps on dimming range, quality of light, output levels, physical sizes and fitting suitability, efficiency, and overall value. Further information and a good explanation of the quality of light can be found at  

The Soraa lamp is identical in dimensions to the halogen MR16 lamps that we initially supplied to you, and can be installed as a “straight swap”, even retaining the existing transformer**. There are a variety of outputs and beam widths to match the original design specification, from very tight beams to wide floods, as well as options of colour temperature.

We can offer supply of Soraa lamps specifically tailored to your lighting, arrange installation if required, take the opportunity to re-program your light settings, if required, and advise on further LED products etc

So please get in touch if you would like to find out more

01306 735050 


*figure obtained from defra Household Electricity Study - EV0702 – 2009-2012: p240

** subject to investigation of original supplied item. Our standard issued 12Vac transformers are suitable with Soraa lamps, and these should be installed at the majority of our previous supply projects.


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